CSR & Sustainability: How the Beauty Industry is Cleaning up

The beauty industry is cleaning up its image by investing in a raft of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & sustainability initiatives. Beauty companies have historically received much criticism for unethical and non-environmentally friendly business practices that include animal testing, unsustainable sourcing and chemical pollution. However, pressure from consumers, the media and retailers such as Wal-Mart with its Sustainability […]

Organic Companies Taking Sustainability Route

Organic food companies are increasingly turning to sustainability in order to shore up their green credentials. Organic Monitor research finds that organic food pioneers are leading the way, with a growing number of companies marketing their products on sustainability values. Slowing market growth rates and rising consumer expectations are having an impact on organic food […]

#7091-60 Strategic Insights: CSR & Sustainability In The Beauty Industry

May 2010, 70 pages,  EUR 799,  Practical Guide to CSR & Sustainability Initiatives,    Green has become the new black in the beauty industry. It is not just important for cosmetic & ingredient companies to deliver sterling financial results, they must also be accountable for their social & environmental impacts. This new strategic insights report […]

Overcoming the Sustainability Marketing Conundrum

One of the most difficult decisions a company can make is how to market its products on sustainability values. Overemphasis on ethical & ecological credentials can lead to detailed corporate scrutiny and accusations of greenwashing. At the same time, not responding to consumer demand for sustainable products can lead to product withdrawal and business failure. […]